Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Random Thoughts

Does anyone else have those days where you run and work all day and you seem so busy, then when you sit down at the end of the day you realize you didn't get a thing accomplished?
Did you not use your time wisely? Did you come across things that weren't on your to-do list but needed done anyway? Did other people have other plans for your day than you did?
I call those days "my headless chicken days" I run around like chicken with my head cut of, all flappy and in a panic about something but not having a clue what do to about it. I think I even cackle a bit on those days, which is odd because a chicken without a head wouldn't do that.

And then there is days that you wake up with all this ambition and great plans, and ready to take on the world. And by about mid morning all of a sudden you ran out of steam and come crashing down with a pile of projects you've started and now don't have the energy to finish them. And you don't even really know why you thought you needed to do that in the first place.
Maybe those mornings I've made my coffee too strong?

How is it that stress can build up for an entire week, sometimes even two. Then one nice relaxing day in the sun near the water takes it all away. What is it about sunshine and water that makes it so relaxing? It's so cleansing to my spirit. Sometimes even just imagining myself sitting on a dock with my feet in the water and the sun warming my shoulders, will make my heartbeat slow down.
In the winter, when my favourite lake is frozen solid and the sun is not that warm on my shoulders, in time of need a nice long hot bubblebath will do.
But a trip to somewhere tropical, with sun sand and surf and a lot of tequila would probably be better

Why is sometimes the thought and the anticipation better than the real thing? Some afternoons all I can think of is a glass of wine and my kindle in the windowseat, in my mind it's all so perfect. I can feel the weight of the kindle in my hands, and the taste of a Riesling wine on my tongue. I even feel the pillows in my back. All afternoon long I look forward this scene that is so vivid in my mind.
Then after work, I get myself all installed in the windowseat with all the paraphernalia of my daydream, only to find out that really I'd sooner have a cup of coffee and play bubble puzzle on my laptop until my eyes bleed.

When you bang your shin, or stub your toe and it hurts so bad, you feel like crying, and then when you check out the damage there is not even a mark. Doesn't that make you feel like a wimp?
But then the next time you whack yourself and it didn't even hurt that much, but a huge bruise appears anyway. Doesn't it hurt much more all of a sudden?
And is it wrong of me to use that bruise that I received rather effortlessly to get my husband to wait on me for the rest of the night?

1 comment:

  1. I feel like this a lot of the time. just when I am getting a grip on the crap of life... something (or someone) tends to pop up and drag me back behind the darn 8ball! I think it is perfetly acceptable to have hubby wait on you all night after you have a paper cut on your pinky! ☺
