Tuesday, July 6, 2010

by my daughter Adrienne Mack

This was the letter to the editor in the Neepawa Banner earlier this spring.
I'm very proud of her!

I love Neepawa!I just got back from the 2nd “Ladies Night” at the Roxy. Tonight I enjoyed coffee, dessert, and a great movie with a full theatre. I looked around and waved at many friendly faces and it made me realize that this does not happen just anywhere. I was overcome with this warm fuzzy feeling to be part of this wonderful community. I wave to the same people at the same spot at the same time every day. I know where they have coffee in the morning and where they’re off to after that. It is neat to wake up with the town and be part of it’s daily routine. I love walking into any business in town and being welcomed by name and with a smile. I enjoy being able to chat with other customers in line and chances are they know what I’m up to before I tell them. I can pull up to a drive thru and be greeted with “What can I get for you today Adrienne?” A walk downtown will usually lead to many conversations. I can’t help but feel happy after running errands in our town. It’s not often I experience such hospitality anywhere else, including being offered rides when I’ve bought to many pink Christmas ornaments to carry home alone!I know this is happening in all small towns around the country, but I feel so happy to be part of Neepawa. Neepawa has given me a home, wonderful friends and boyfriend, and an awesome job, what more could I want? Having been to Europe a few times, I realize the importance of experiencing the world, but there’s nothing like seeing the Neepawa sign at the top of the hill after an eight-hour flight and two-hour drive home! I am fortunate to be part of the Yellowhead Roadrunners Auto Club and Rotary; as well the Manitoba Homecoming and Lily Fest committees. I enjoy seeing our community come together in one place, and to be able to contribute to such events. We live in a unique town and I hope to call it home for many years!Adrienne Mack

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