Monday, July 12, 2010

defrag and delete?

I’m studying, I’m learning about internet marketing, retail floor layouts, “branding” your store and so much more that will help me with the expansion.
It’s not as easy as it once was. Maybe studying is best left to the younger generations?
I feel like my brain is full, and in order to cram more information in there I need to let go of some of the previous stuff I put up there.
There should be a process that defrags the brain and deletes or backs up the no longer used facts that are stored up there.
I still know how to create a painting of a perfectly round apple, with highlights and shading, that’s information that could be backed up to disc, in case I would like to use it again sometime. Same with the things I know about Tridekon Cropsavers, their dealers and the different makes and models. Great information, just not needed at this time. But I don’t necessarily want to get rid of it completely. Or how to run a Massey combine.. Put it on the back up disc.
There is knowledge up there that really can just be deleted all together. I doubt I’ll ever need to know how to fold and iron a hanky or a pillowcase. Or I don’t need to be able to recall the exact sound my brothers car made when I rolled it end over end a couple of times, back in 1981. I don’t want to cringe anymore every time I recall slipping on the tiled kitchen floor when I was 5, hitting my head and giving myself a concussion.
There is however a few luxury memories that I’d like to keep up there in a file that only gets opened when I have half an hour of time to myself for pure basking.
The weight of my kids heads on my shoulders on that perfect day at the beach when they were 7 and 8. The way that wooden crate of freshly picked apples looked and smelled when my cousin and I picked it up at the neigbour’s orchard when we were about 9 years old. That breathless lightheaded feeling when I was trying to stifle a horrible case of the giggles at the most inappropriate time when I was a teenager and my friend made fun of the teacher. Those memories should stay in a locked file, and I should only remember the password for that file when I have a few minutes to daydream.
I need to clean and organize the new compartment in my brain for today’s information. The new fabrics that clothes are made of, and how they react when you heatpress or embroider them. What are the hot colours for this fall. How many tops should we be bringing in compared to bottoms? Who is a summer shopper and who is a winter shopper, what colour and size preference do they have? Do we order more boots or more shoes for the winter? I need room for new information such as online advertising, social network marketing. Things like how colours, smells and music affect customers. The best layout for the customer in a store versus the best layout for the staff at a store.
There is so much more but I forget now, because my mind keeps visiting the beach on that perfect day when my kids were 7 and 8. The way their hair tickled my face, and the way their tanned little faces smiled up at me…while I felt that sweet sunshine on my shoulders…

Argh where is the defrag button?

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